The commitment to support the Avventuno Association in the canton of Ticino continues: we are pleased to update our supporters on the various projects that the Association is carrying out.
BIMODAL COMMUNICATION PROJECT: in-depth training was held for operators, in order to train them on the effective use of Bimodal Communication, which is a valuable tool for interacting with children who have difficulties with verbal expression.

Associazione Avventuno

Bimodal communication (sign+word) is a communication system that involves the use of signs together with verbal language. It does not replace verbal language, it is a tool that acts as a bridge between the preverbal period and the development of a verbal language sufficiently elaborate for quality interactions.

Bimodal communication uses signs (of the LIS – Italian Sign Language – or simplified ones, called Babysigns) as an “addition” to the spoken Italian language: it is therefore a partially signed Italian, not a real sign language which has syntactic and grammatical rules different from those of Italian. It is a tool that serves to support language development, cognitive development and socio-affective development. In addition to training for operators, the children were involved in the creation of educational, fun and engaging videos for them and their families. Find more details about Bimodal Communication at the following Youtube links:

Bimodal Communication, in brief:

YouTube player

Little People – interactive song

YouTube player

Our little indians – interactive song

YouTube player

the project includes outings and meetings with a group of adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome. The meetings are regular and a path towards autonomy is also planned for each boy/girl, which yes develops with meetings with the family and the choice of specific autonomy objectives (use of money, use of public transport, etc.).  Awareness-raising meetings are also in the works, however this group, on the theme of affection and friendships, including moments of reflection on the use of the telephone and social media in a prevention perspective.

it was possible to support the inclusion of girls and boys with Down syndrome in regular summer camps. In 2023, given the numerous memberships, the Avventuno Association was able to make use of 7 interns who made themselves available as “help monitors” in the summer camps, thus giving the opportunity to over 10 children with Down syndrome to enroll in various summer experiences (theatre, dance, sports, swimming, etc…) for a total of over 100 days of inclusion.
